Pulpit CommentaryVerse 22.-Ephesians 6:9. - EXHORTATION TO RELATIVE DUTIES. Verse 22. - Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Though ChristianiParallel Commentaries ... GreekWives,γυναῖκες (gynaikes)Noun - Vocative Feminine PluralStrong's 1135: A woman,...
Eadie, John,A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians(W. Yound (ed.); Edinburgh: T.&T. Clark, third ed., 1883; same as 2nd ed 1861) Ellicott, Charles J.,A Critical and Grammatical Commentary on St Paul's Epistle to the Ephesians(Andover: Warren F. ...
2019. Putting on the New Self: Costume and Character in Eph 4:22-24. Novum Testamentum 61: 289–307. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] Thielman, Frank. 2010. Ephesians. Baker Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament. Grand Rapids: Baker. [Google Scholar] Tucker, J. Brian, and Aaron Kuecker...
• 公民应当顺服政府和掌权者(罗13:1,5;多3:1;彼前2:13)。 • 宇宙万物服从耶稣(林前15:27;弗1:22)。 • 肉眼看不见的灵界服从耶稣(彼前3:22)。 • 基督徒应当顺服教会领袖(林前16:15-16;来13:17)。 • 妻子应当顺服丈夫(西3:18;多2:5;彼前3:5;弗5:22-24)。 • 教会应当顺服...