There is so much more. We have but briefly covered some of the "mysteries" which Paul taught. But contained therein are the answers to so many questions that mainstream Christianity struggles with. For instance, how is it that God could have hated (loved less by comparison) Esau and loved ...
In many instances, people have come to Christ for salvation and their problems got much worse. Some have been killed because they trusted in Christ. So the gospel is definitely not about “how to have your best life now!” But probably the most frequent place where the devil attacks the ...
and it still happens in pulpits today. I heard of one man who had a very good education and yet was given a church where the people were – in his estimation – kind of backward. So he got into the habit of making long and profound prayers to impress...
Please read the following passages and then answer the corresponding questions. 所以当耶稣死在十字架上的时候,不平常的事发生了.上帝做了一个交换.请阅读下 列经文然后回答相关问题. 2 Corinthians 5:21 – God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the ...
A soldier that did this would end up getting a lot of blows to the head. And a soldier that gets hit on the head a lot—even though he may live because he’s got his helmet on—he’s not going to be much use in battle, and very soon, he will lose his hearing, his sight, ...
I’ve got to “Burn my Ships!” There’s no going back. No secret out. No straddling the fence. It has to be ALL or nothing. And then the fear sets in and the lies become louder than the truth. What if I fail? What if it really isn’t possible. If I “burn my ship” ...