God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8365 wisdom, nature of human 8365 wisdom, nature of human The human quality which enables the planning and successful... 8366 wisdom, source of human 8366 wisdom, source of human True wisdom belo...
Paul has a two-fold analogy for the Holy Spirit: (1) as a seal and (2) as a deposit. The phrase "deposit guaranteeing" (NIV), "guarantee" (ESV), "earnest" (KJV), and "pledge" (NRSV) is the noun arrabōn, a legal and commercial technical term meaning payment of a part of a...
meaning "this world age", i.e. in this flesh age) under the sway, or influence, of the prince of the power of the air, who is Satan. It is his spirit, Satan's spirit, that works in the sons (Gk.huios) of disobedience.
our inheritance] The “enjoyment fully for ever” of God in Christ; the final Canaan of the true Israel, His “heirs” because His children (Romans 8:17).until] Better, perhaps (as the more usual meaning of the Gr.), unto; with a view to; as the spiritual means to the glorious ...
J. Goodspeed, The Meaning of Ephesians (1933); E. Percy, Die Probleme der Kolosser-und Epheserbriefe (1946); C. L. Mitton, The Epistle to the Ephesians (1951); F. W. Beare, “Introduction and Exegesis of Ephesians,” IB, X. ed. G. A. Buttrick (1953); G. Schille, Liturgi...
This term was used in ancient Greek culture to describe a gathering of citizens for civic purposes, but in the New Testament, it takes on a profound spiritual meaning. The church is not merely a human institution but a divine assembly called by God, with Christ as its head. This phrase ...
The Meaning of "... As to the Lord" (verse 22) The Denotation ofHupotassomai(verses 21-22, 24; cf. verse 31) The Meanings ofKephalēin Ephesians and Colossians Implications of Ephesians 5:21-33 for the Marriage Relationship 1. Introduction ...
” Of course, we do not think of ourselves as prideful or arrogant, so we quickly give ourselves a pass on humility. However, if we would look deeper at another meaning for humble, we would find there are some things we need to work on (emphases added): “reflecting(thinking deeply ...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8356 unselfishness 8356 unselfishness Putting the concerns and interests of others before one’s own. Jesus Christ... 8367 wisdom, importance of human 8367 wisdom, importance of ...
God-given perception of the nature and meaning of things, resulting in sound... 8356 unselfishness 8356 unselfishness Putting the concerns and interests of others before one’s own. Jesus Christ... 8367 wisdom, importance of human 8367 wisdom, importance of huma...