Filling of the Spirit (Ephesians 1:13) This study is drawn from my sermon on Ephesians 1:13-14. We are in Ephesians 1:3-14, one long sentence from Paul telling us what our Spiritual Possessions are in Jesus. In Ephesians 1:3-6 we saw that we have Security from the Father. This ...
Therefore, at the end of Ephesians 5:8, we shouldwalk as children of light.As children of God, we should walk in love as God is love—that is what we saw in Ephesians 5:1-6. Now, also since God is light, we should walk as children of light as we try to imitate God. Having ...
13 但你们这些从前远离上帝的人,如今在基督耶稣里,靠着祂所流的血已经被带到上帝面前。 14 因为基督耶稣亲自给我们带来了和平,以自己的身体拆毁了以色列人和外族人之间充满敌意的隔墙,使双方合而为一, 15 并废除了以诫命和规条为内容的律法制度。祂这样做是为了在自...
we do not think of ourselves as prideful or arrogant, so we quickly give ourselves a pass on humility. However, if we would look deeper at another meaning for humble, we would find there are some things we need to work on (emphases...
meaning of what we’ve come to celebrate. If we pause long of enough, we’d find that the true meaning has been right before us for many many years in two places: 1) The hymns of old and 2) the Scriptures which never grow old. If we pause long enough, we’ll realize that ...