Architecture and Civil Engingeering 建筑和土木工程领域 Civil Engineering 土木工程 2年,包括以下方向: - Construction and Maintenance Management 建筑和维修管理 - Geotechnical Engineering 岩土工程 - Structural Engineering 结构工程 - Tra...
EDCE Civil and Environmental Engineering 土木&环境工程博士 申请截止日期:1月15日;4月30日;9月15日 EDCB Computational and Quantitative Biology 计算和计量生物学博士 申请截止日期:4月15日;11月1日 建议提供GRE成绩 EDCH Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 化学和化学工程博士 奖学金:第一年51100瑞士法郎,第二...
As a PhD student in this department you will enjoy both close supervision by a group of well-established faculty members that specialise in their research topic, and wide access to numerous advanced research training courses offered by the Department and by the ESRC-funded North West Social Scien...
As a PhD student in this department you will enjoy both close supervision by a group of well-established faculty members that specialise in their research topic, and wide access to numerous advanced research training courses offere...
As a PhD student in this department you will enjoy both close supervision by a group of well-established faculty members that specialise in their research topic, and wide access to numerous advanced research training courses offered by the Department and by the ESRC-funded North West Social Scien...