et al.; " Numerical Evaluation of Currents in Circuits with Ferromagnetic Cores on the Basis of Commutation Curve, " 9th International Conference on Power Electronics and Motion Control, EPE-PEMC 2000, pp. 5-115 to 5-118.Fernando, J. and A. Silva, 2000. Sliding mode cont...
• Application-specific Hardware Design for WSNs • Software/Hardware Design of the Communication Protocols Submission procedure: The same as for regular papers. Submission deadline: 19th December 2011 All the instructions for paper submission are included on the conference website: http://epe-pem...
Besides, it discusses the sensing, measuring, commanding and controlling problems of energy converters for welding, taking the multifunctional features into consideration. Some measurement results for both steady-state and transient conditions are presented, as well.Miklós HorváthJózsef Borka...
[IEEE 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (EPE/PEMC 2008) - Poznan, Poland (2008.09.1-2008.09.3)] 2008 13th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference - State and parameter estimation in induction moto ...
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