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Timeline: 2 YearsPrice Target: $40/ shareEstimated Annual Returns: 15%Risk Level: LowEnterprise Product Partners (NYSE: EPD) is one of the largest midstream companies worth over $70 billion. We last recommended the company after its prior earnings, where...
is an army veteran and stock analyst with 20+ years of market experience. he is a founding author of the investing group the dividend kings which focuses on helping investors safeguard and grow their money in all market conditions through the highest-quality dividend inve...
Looking Forward in EPD Stock I never like conceding defeat, and there is still a lot of time left in 2018. But barring a total collapse in tech (and burrito) stocks — and a major rally in conservative dividend players like EPD — it’s going to be no easy feat. That’s OK. You ...
EPD became a hot stock in the low-yield years following the 2008 meltdown. Then — as now — short-term interest rates were pegged at zero, and long-term bond yields crawled along near all-time lows. In turn, EPD’s high and consistent quarterly distribution (dividend) made it wildl...
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At the end of the day, if you’re looking for a master limited partnership to buy, EPD stock should definitely be on your radar. 7 High-Dividend Stocks Far off the Beaten Path EPD’s $2 Billion Bolt-On It takes a very large midstream firm to consider a $2 billion-plus pur...
Enterprise Products Partners has slowed down distribution growth which will help the MLP in self-funding its growth projects.
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