EPD China Group, Ltd.,办公室地址位于历史文化名城扬州,中国 江苏 扬州市 扬子江南路扬州出口加工区内,我单位主要提供变压器配件 工商信息和基本资料 法人名称: EPD China Group, Ltd. 简称: EPD China Group, Ltd. 主要经营产品: 变压器配件 经营范围: ...
Best regardsHuman Resources DepartmentEPD China Group,Ltd. 2 英语翻译 Dear Sir/ Madam, Your application letter has been received by EPD China HR.Thank you for your interest in EPD China! For further consideration,we will review and discuss your application.If we find your qualifications match ...
EPD (China) Architecture & Interiors是澳洲的一家建筑师事boss务所,专注于打造建筑、人文、自然、科技及富于创造的建筑和室内设计服务。我们总部位于墨尔本, 在悉尼、洛杉矶、伊斯坦布尔、内罗毕、上海、北京和深圳设有办公室,为秉持共同理念的客户提供具有科技和人文情怀的现代建筑和室内设计服务。我们国际化的 团队,能...
EPD (China) Architecture & Interiors是澳洲的一家建筑师事务所,专注于打造建筑、人文、自然、科技及富于创造的建筑和室内设计服务。我们总部位于墨尔本, 在悉尼、洛杉矶、伊斯坦布尔、内罗毕、上海、北京和深圳设有办公室,为秉持共同理念的客户提供具有科技和人文情怀的现代建筑和室内设计服务。我们国际化的 团队,能够为...
Address: West of 4/F, No.2 Building, Huaye Hi-Tech Industrial, No.1180, Bin'an Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China Hotline: +86-571-88072790(CN) Fax: +86-571-89900719Email: test@cirs-group.com Industrial Solutions Cosmetics and Daily Care Products Consumer goods Construction...
"The establishment of the EPD program in the steel sector will promote technological process, efficiency enhancement and technological innovation, encourage green steel product designs and speed up the industry's green and low-carbon transformation," sa...
Winning these two new contracts demonstrates the Group's outstanding capabilities in product innovation, research and development, and leading market position in the green technology sector as well as its alignment withHong Kong'sgoal of becoming a smart city. ...
Intertek China Intertek Group PLC Inti APAC Ioannis Chasiotis ipmg IPPMASTER IQ Consult GmbH Irina Dreso Iron and Steel Institute of the National Academy of Science of Ukraine IRT Saint Exupéry ISA AMBIENTAL ISA-UL Iscom Online International Information Inc. ishak isiafaenza Iskandar HASSAYOUNE ...
ԥණྺඇ൰ࠅණڦዊଉࢅ႑एጚLj SGSڦ96,000ܠఁᇵݴ߾քሞඇ൰2,600 ăᄓํࢅࠓኧऐݴ߲ܠ SGSཚՔՔጚरຍޜခᆶ၌ࠅິSGSण ڦጺਆဣཥ࠶۽ׇ॔ॆࡔᇀຌ૯ࢅྲཱྀ ...
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