1.64inch e-Paper Module G waveshare_epd.epd1in64g bw, red, yellow, 4color 2.13inch e-Paper HAT waveshare_epd.epd2in13 waveshare_epd.epd2in13_V2 waveshare_epd.epd2in13_V3 bw 2.13inch e-Paper HAT B waveshare_epd.epd2in13b waveshare_epd.epd2in13b_V3 bw, red 2.13inch e-Pape...
EPD 电纸书技术介绍
EPD 电纸书技术介绍
85(Bi_(0.5)Na_(0.5))TiO_3-15BaTiO_3 (85BNT-15BT) ceramic is representative lead-free piezoelectric ceramic due to its high Curie temperature (~250 °C) and suitability for mass production. To enhance piezoelectric properties, engineered domain structure have been studied which is achieved whe...
In the second task of this study, a customized MobileNetV3Large-Attention model is proposed for the classification of specific corn leaf disease types. The architecture of the proposed MobileNetV3-Large model for Task 2 (FDCA) is shown in Figure 3. Figure 3. Architecture of the proposed Mobile...
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女,26岁,经常手抖是什么原因 徐军医生 请问多久了?还有什么病?做过何检查?何工作? 患者 每年体检没有病症,银行工作,十几岁就有抖, 徐军医生 查过甲状腺吗? 徐军医生 之前看过什么科?建议神经内科就诊,必要时行颅脑磁共振检查 徐军医生 如果还有疑问,我将继续帮您解答,如果没有请您关闭问题并给予五星好评,这是...
included in conveying the object code work.A "User Product" is either (1) a "consumer product", which means any tangible personal property which is normally used for personal, family, or household purposes, or (2) anything designed or sold for incorporation ...