中国领先 化学合成原料药,中间体自动化工程中国领先 China's leader of chemical synthetic API and intermediate automation project TIANS automation and informationize enginnering focuses on the pharmaceutical and synthetic biology field, grasps the automation core technology of its main production processes and ...
The high-end technology exchange platform of China's high-tec hindustry focuses on scientific and technological innovation, serves the development of the industry, promotes social progress, accelerates the deep integration of science and technology and production practice, and promotes the transformation,...
Specify any US location and extract data on all available properties in that area. Our real estate scraper lets you filter and limit the results by page or total number. You can also target a specific property or area. epctex 641 8 Instagram Video Downloader epctex/instagram-video-downloader...
If neither party gives such notice to the other party within fourteen (14) days after receipt of such decision, such decision shall become final and binding on the parties.如果任何一方均未在收到该等决定后14日内向另一方发出该等通知,该等决定应为终局性的,对合同双方均有约束力。6.2.4 Unl...
All Materials and Plant on Site shall be deemed to be the property of the Employer.4.3 Subcontracting The Contractor shall not subcontract the whole of the Works. The Contractor shall not subcontract any part of the Wo 36、rks without the consent of the Employer.4.4 Performance Security If ...
When the on/off power light is not illuminated, the apparatus may still be connected to the power source. The light may go out when the apparatus is turned off, regardless of whether it is still plugged into an AC power source.
17 Risk and Resp on sibility 风险和职责 (85) 17.1 Indemnities 保障 (85) 17.2 Contractor ' Care of the Works 承包商对工程的照管 (86) 17.3 Employer 'Risks 雇主的风险 (87) 17.4 Consequence of Employer 'Risks 雇主风险的后果 (87) 17.5 Intellectual and Industrial Property Rights 知识产权和工业...
1.10Employers Use of Contractors Documents雇主使用承包商文件As between the Parties, the Contractor shall retain the copyright and other intellectual property rights in the Contractors Documents and other design documents made by(or on behalf of) the Contr 63、actor.由承包商(或以其名义)编制的承包商...
“Facilities” means the energy storage system, including Software and balance of plant, to be located on the Property Site as more particularly described in the Statement of Work. “Final Acceptance” shall mean that all of the following have occurred: [***]; and (xiii) Company has approved...
At LutonEPC we provide Commercial Energy Performance Certificates.Non-Domestic/Commercial EPC is required to sell or rent your commercial property such as: Offices, retail shops, warehouse etc. With new law came into effect on 1st April 2018 your propert