The ePass2003 was designed for Free Software communities, especially the OpenSC community to provide a “universal” cryptographic token. Feitian offers Windows CSP drivers and also provides Linux and Mac OS X drivers. On the other hand, Feitian takes an active part in the development of OpenSC,...
_AutorunfolderintoePass2000FT11FlashDisk___22Step4-RemovetheePass2000FT11tokenfromtheUSBportStep5-InsertePass2000FT11tokenintoUSBportandAutoInstallationstartUpgradeCompletedDownloadCIMBUSBTokenSoftware–WhiteColor 君,已阅读到文档的结尾了呢~~ 立即下载相似精选,再来一篇 囙眸·醉倾城 分享于2010-08-19 01:...