无缝兼容现有Windows平台应用,如Office加、InteExplorer的WEB网页登录和SSL 登录、Outlook(Express)的安全电子邮件、智能卡登录和MS连接等。 10 2.2ePass2003的CSP所支持的算法 下表列出了ePass2003的CSP模块所支持的算法情况。 默认长度最小长度最大长度 算法用途类别 (bit)(bit)(bit) CALG_RC24081024 CALG...
Feitian offers Windows CSP drivers and also provides Linux and Mac OS X drivers. On the other hand, Feitian takes an active part in the development of OpenSC, offering a free software driver to the OpenSC community. The driver of ePass2003 in OpenSC is called “epass2003”. ...
One thing I noticed, I am using ePass3000instead of ePass2003. On the wiki page forePass 3000it mentions the driver asentersafe. So I also tried to use entersafe as profile, but tails too. $ pkcs15-init -E Using reader with a card: FT SCR2000A $ pkcs15-init --create-pkcs15 -...