Non-TCL components identified and reported as tentatively identified compounds are rarely verified and sometimes incorrect information is reported. This incorrect information includes incorrect compound identification and artifacts produced during sample preparation. In this study thirty-three artifacts which ...
for SW-846 Method 8270 9 1.4.3 Site Specific Matrix Spike (MS), Matrix Spike Duplicate (MSD) Samples ... 10 1.4.4 Special Analytical Considerations for SW-846 Method 8270C 10 Table 1A Specific QA/QC Requirements and Performance Standards for Method 8270* 12 1.5 Tentatively Identified ...
in terms of exposure and path to being detected in biosolids, was tentatively identified by utilizing a hybrid categorization based on functional use and a structure-based classification approach. An attempt was made to categorize the individual chemicals in terms of their primary membership...
Additional references to laboratory safety are available and have been identified4-6 for the information of the analyst. The following parameters covered by this method have been tentatively classified as known or suspected, human or mammalian carcinogens: benzo(a)anthracene, benzidine, 3,3′-...
Chemical features observed using high-resolution mass spectrometry can be tentatively identified using online chemical reference databases by searching molecular formulae and monoisotopic masses and then rank-ordering of the hits using appropriate relevance criteria. The most likely candidate "known unknowns...