EPA行政总裁由总统任命。 EPA’s FY 2023-2026 Strategic Plan includes a new goal focused on tackling the climate crisis. The goal includes three objectives that reflect priorities in Executive Order 14008, Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad: Objective 1: Reduce Emissions that Cause Clim...
Under the GPRA, federal agencies must clearly describe the goals and objectives of their programs, identify resources and action needed to accomplish the goals and objectives, develop a means of measuring progress, and regularly report on program achievements. EPA's mission is "to protect human ...
subcommitteeundertheauspicesofNACEPT,preparedthesecommentsinthe beliefthattheycanalsoassistEPAindevelopingthemoredetailedStrategic Plan.ThecommentsforGoal5arethemostextensivesinceCAisnot addressedinmostoftheotherGoalsandObjectives.Asgeneralcommentsfor theentireStrategicArchitecturetheCAACrecommendsthefollowing: •...
An efficient and realistic process level IDS must fulfill following objectives: (i) be capable of detecting an attack before lasting damage, (ii) be secure against evasion attack, (iii) work under noisy environment, (iv) be realistic to build and deploy, (v) have less computational overhead ...
This document recommends that “[a] good strategic plan must precede the development of metrics. Such a plan includes well-articulated goals against which to measure progress and a sense of priority. Absent this context, it is difficult to select the most important measures for guiding the ...
MARCH 2006 VOLUME 2 ■ ISSUE 1 water asset management I N T E R N AT I O N A L PAPERS 3 Asset management around the world: the expertise of Australia/ New Zealand, the UK and the US Tony Urquhart 7 The AMPLE Tool: Asset Management Program Learning Environment Steve Allbee, Roger ...
Look-ahead outlines agency's objectives and strategies, and seeks to set expectations. In September, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released a five-year plan that outlines the agency's priorities in its efforts to protect human health and the environment. The (FY) 2011-15 Strategic ...
EPA's mission is "to protect human health and the environment." To meet this mission and comply with the GPRA, EPA begins with its strategic plan, which establishes long-term goals that define the agency's planning, budgeting, analysis, and accountability process. An annual plan is then ...
Under the GPRA, federal agencies must clearly describe the goals and objectives of their programs, identify resources and actions needed to accomplish the goals and objectives, develop a means of measuring progress, and regularly report on program achievements. EPA's mission is "to protect human ...
In 1993, Congress enacted the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA), which is intended to improve public confidence in federal agency performance by holding agencies accountable for achieving program results. Under the GPRA, federal agencies must clearly describe the goals and objectives of ...