The Protocol for Screening Soil and Sediment Samples for Asbestos Content used by the US Environmental Protection Agency,Region 1 Laboratory. December 1997. (Region 1 Library / http://www.epa.gov/ne/oarm/asbestos-01A0007115.pdf) (PDF, 6 pp., 295KB)...
METHOD 5021A VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS IN VARIOUS SAMPLE MATRICES USING EQUILIBRIUM HEADSPACE ANALYSIS 1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This method is a general purpose method for the preparation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in soil/sediment, solid waste, aqueous and water-miscible liquid samples...
All checks must be in accordance with the method or test protocol being performed. On the first day of a field study, a stray light instrument check should be performed. This involves collecting, measuring, and identifying stray light as either background or instrument- related. All QC checks...
Chemical or Method Description -- chemical, analyte, chemical group or name of protocol. If you don’ t find one you want, try a broader term e.g., metals for mercury or pesticides for diquat Examples: asbestos or absorption or Maneb or larval survival or mercury ...
SW-846 Update V 6010D - 1 Revision 4 July 2014 METHOD 6010D INDUCTIVELY COUPLED PLASMA—OPTICAL EMISSION SPECTROMETRY SW-846 is not intended to be an analytical training manual. Therefore, method procedures are written based on the assumption that they will be performed by analysts who are form...
开通VIP CD-ROM 1311- 1 Revision 0 July 1992 METHOD 1311 TOXICITY CHARACTERISTIC LEACHING PROCEDURE SCOPE AND APPLICATION The TCLP is designed to determine the mobility of both organic and inorganic analytes present in liquid, solid, and multiphasic wastes. If a total analysis of the waste demonstr...
Chemical or Method Description -- chemical, analyte, chemical group or name of protocol. If you don’ t find one you want, try a broader term e.g., metals for mercury or pesticides for diquat Examples: asbestos or absorption or Maneb or larval survival or mercury ...
EPA3052(1996)含硅和有机基体材料的微波辅助酸消化法.pdf,METHOD 3052 MICROWAVE ASSISTED ACID DIGESTION OF SILICEOUS AND ORGANICALLY BASED MATRICES 1.0 SCOPE AND APPLICATION 1.1 This method is applicable to the microwave assisted acid digestion of siliceous
commencedwiththeairmethodsandin1998theentireSW-846 compendiumwasplacedontheweb.In1999theEPANewEnglandRegion1Librarywebsitefirst offeredtheIndexinAdobeAcrobatformatforeasydistribution.In2002,therevampedwebversionof EMMIappearedasNationalEnvironmentalMethodsIndex(NEMI)offeringsummaryinformationabout watermethodsfromEPAand...