and small quantity generators (SQGs) to voluntarily maintain their existing generator categories even if they generate a quantity of hazardous waste during an episodic event that under existing regulations would force a CESQG to become an SQG, and an SQG to become a large quantity generator (LQG...
Integrated DNA Technologies Inc. develops and manufactures custom synthetic DNA that supports the life sciences industry and is a large quantity generator of hazardous waste. During a 2022 inspection, EPA determined that the company violated federal law by failing to comply with hazardous waste regulati...
The most consequential piece of the new rule is the “episodic generator” standard, which allows companies who carefully follow the rule an opportunity to retain the lighter regulatory burdens of small quantity generator status despite episodically generating large quantities of waste during events like...
Annual training is required by 40 CFR 262.17(a)(7). Learn how to complete EPA’s new electronic hazardous waste manifest, and the more than 60 changes in EPA’s new Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule. Environmental Resource Center’sHazardous Waste Trainingis available at nationwide l...
stationdealersandothers involvedinDIYusedoilrecycling.Thisnotice expandedandclarifieda1985proposalre- gardingusedoil.(Thepubliccommentperiod ontheSeptembernoticeendedNovember7, 1991.) The1985noticeproposedexemptingsmall quantitygenerators(thosewhogenerateless than300gallonsofusedoilpermonth)from themostsubstantive...
Provided within six months from the date of hire for new employees at a large quantity generator. Ongoing and provided at least annually. Amended prior to a change in process or work assignment. Given upon modification to the Emergency Response/Contingency Plan. ...
EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Improvement Rule Quiz Are you in compliance with the EPA’s new rule to improve hazardous waste generator requirements? Take the quiz below to test your knowledge of the Hazardous Waste Generator Improvements Rule. 1. What are Conditionally Exempt Small Quantity ...