2024年4月10日,美国环保署(EPA)发布了首个具有法律效力的国家饮用水标准,以保护社区免受有害的全氟烷基和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)的影响。主要内容包括: (1)为饮用水中的6种PFAS物质建立了最大污染物水平(MCL),并确定了其基于健康的、暂不强制执行的最大污染物水平目标(MCLG),详见下表,包括PFOA、PFOS、PFHxS、PF...
Despite this influx of funding, the mounting costs of compliance to address PFAS contamination have spurred concern among public water facilities. Although the EPA estimated the annual costs will total $1.5 billion in their comments on the proposed rule, one trade association shared astudythat projec...
PFHxS, PFBS, and/or GenX chemicals. According to EPA, for these PFAS, water systems would use an approach called a hazard index, defined in the proposed rule and described later in this document, to determine
In an interim response to a petition from environmentalists seeking SDWA standards for several per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), EPA water chief David Ross told the Ohio Environmental Council last month that while the agency is considering whether two widespread PFAS meet statutory ...