176001634EPA Method 1694 Analysis Kit 查看库存 15,820.00 CNY 添加到购物车 资源 您希望做什么? 优惠与折扣 Time to Stock Up! Receive 10% off ALL the columns and consumables featured in theWaters Chromatography Columns and Suppliescatalog.
EPA Method 1694, for the testing of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HPLC-MS/MS, includes Waters Oasis HLB Cartridges, XTerrra HPLC Columns, and Atlantis HPLC Columns. To simplify your analysis of drinking water for pharmaceuticals, Waters ...
EPA Method 1694: Analysis of Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in WaterDr. Brian Kinsella
EPAMethod1694determinespharmaceuticalsandpersonalcareproducts(PPCPs)inenvironmental samplesbyhighperformanceliquidchromatographycombinedwithtandemmassspectrometry (HPLC/MS/MS)usingisotopedilutionandinternalstandardquantitationtechniques.Thismethodhas beendevelopedforusewithaqueous,solid,andbiosolidsmatrices. ...
EPA 方法 1694 :使用 HPLC/MS/MS 检测水、土壤、沉积物和生物固体中的 药物和个人护理用品的 Agilent6410A LC/MS/MS 解决方案 摘要 使用 AgilentG6410A 三重串联四极杆质谱仪( QQQ )建立了水样中 65 种药物的筛选和确 认方法。该方法按照美国国家环保局( EPA ) 1694 号方法指南进行开发。根据不同药物 的...
5% ACN and 5% H2O with 10 mM ammonium acetate, pH 6.5 Flow-rate: 0.25 mL/min Gradient: Injection volumes: t0 = 95% ACN t9 = 70% ACN t15 = 70% ACN 15 µL LC Conditions for Group 5 Extra compounds commonly found in wastewater but not part of EPA Method 1694, positive electrospra...
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently published Method 1694, which determines dozens of PPCPs in water, soil, sediment, and biosolids by high performance liquid chromatography combined with tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS).1 The method, which is yet to be promulgated, uses solid ...
EPA药品个人护理品分析方法 US EPA 1694 MethodsMethod 1694: Pharmaceuticals and Personal Care Products in Water, Soil, Sediment, and Biosolids by HPLC/MS/MSDecember 2007
EPA 1694-2007 标准号:EPA 1694-2007 检测标准/方法:HPLC / MS / MS测定水、土壤、沉积物和生物固体中的药品和个人护理产品 EPA 1694-2007 检测对象:水(地下水、地表水、饮用水、废水、海水) 检测项目/参数:N-二甲基亚硝胺 相关标准 《HJ 962-2018》土壤 pH值的测定 电位法 HJ 962-2018...
Analysis of 70 Environmental Protection Agency priority pharmaceuticals in water by EPA Method 1694 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 1694 for the determination of pharmaceuticals in water recently brought a new challenge for treatment... I Ferrer,JA Zweigenbaum,EM Thurman - 《...