“Across the country, from community air monitoring to environmental education projects to water sampling, participatory science helps EPA deliver on our mission to protect human health and the environment. We’re proud to lift up participatory science through programs and resources to advance environmen...
Field Sampling Plan for the National Study of Chemical Residues in Lake Fish Tissue. September 2002.(http://www.epa.gov/waterscience/fishstudy/fieldplan.pdf) (PDF, 40 pp., 761.2 KB)EPA 833/B-92-001NPDES Storm Water Sampling Guidance Document. July 1992. (NTIS / PB92-227669) ...
The Salt Lake City Environmental Monitoring for Public Awareness and Community Tracking , EMPACT, program is designed to evaluate the usefulness of a newly-developed real-time continuous monitor, RAMS, for total (non-volatile plus semi-volatile) PM_(2.5) mass and the health relevance data ...
Compatibility of Sampling and Laboratory Procedures Evaluated for the 1985 Three-Ship Intercomparison Study on Lake Erie To update the information concerning data intercomparability from Great Lakes monitoring programs, a three-ship laboratory comparison was conducted on the ... SR Esterby,PE Bertram -...
Lake Michigan Mass Balance - Fish sampling LMMB(25 [Region 1#] waterscience Lake Michigan Mass Balance - Mercury analysis LMMB(45 [Region 1#] waterscience Lake Michigan Mass Balance - Metals analysis LMMB(54 [Region 1#] waterscience Lake Michigan Mass Balance - Organic (PCB, PAH) LMMB(28...
(related terms ): soot, black carbon, diesel emissions, diesel exhaust particles, diesel particulate matte SAMPLING MEASUREMENT SAMPLER: FILTER TECHNIQUE: EVOLVED GAS ANALYSIS (EGA) by (quartz fiber, 37-mm; size-selective sampler thermal-optical analyze may be required, see APPENDIX B) ANALYTE: ...
EPA600R-10146-2010压载水处理技术验证通用协议.pdf,EPA/600/R-10/146 September, 2010 GENERIC PROTOCOL FOR THE VERIFICATION OF BALLAST WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY Produced by NSF International Ann Arbor, MI For U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Environment
EPA.Estimates (costs and benefits) reflect full attainment in 2020, which includes implementation of several national programs and are incremental to compliance with the 2006 PM2.5NAAQS. The discount rates are as recommended in EPA'sGuidelines for Preparing Economic Analyses (2000)and OMB Circular A...