Quality assuranceQuality indicatorsPurpose: To advance the quality of mental healthcare in Europe by developing guidance on implementing quality assurance.Gaebel, W.Grossimlinghaus, I.Heun, R.Janssen, B.Johnson, B.Kurimay, T.Montellano, P.Muijen, M.Munk-Jorgensen, P.Roessler, W.Ruggeri, M....
EPA Requirements for Quality Assurance Project Plans The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed the Quality Assurance Project Plan (QA Project Plan) as a tool for project managers and planners to document the type and quality of data needed for environmental decisions and... E...
CA. To monitor air pollution over time, the program provided guidance and educational materials to help community members, teachers, and students collect their own data using low-cost air sensors. Their results
Short Term Test Method for Assessing the Reproductive Toxicity of Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals Using the Fathead Minnow (Pimephales Promelas). June 2002. (NEPIS / http://www.epa.gov/clariton/clhtml/pubtitleORD.html)EPA 600/R-02-009Guidance on Quality Assurance Project Plans (G-5).February...
Guidance is sometimes prescriptive, and other times general, but for many decades public utility regulation has followed the obligation to allocate costs and benefits in a manner that follows this concept, often phrased as "fair and equitable," "not unduly preferential," "just and...
s risk assessment, and it is important that your employees also know the protocol when it comes to disaster prevention. This includes establishing the lines of authority and communication while on-site and during a catastrophe.OSHAprovides guidance for chemical plant management in the event of a ...
Development of business and market strategies and plans for growth. Perform market and competitive analyses. Assess new market and product opportunities. Identification of acquisition & Joint Ventures candidates. Due diligence support work. Provide expert guidance on new venture management. Identify growth...
While the addendum largely reminds staff of existing guidance and rules on data quality in Epa products and decision-making, it also references a new agency guidance on "Quality Assurance Project Plans" (QAPPs). The addendum is available on InsideEPA.com. See page for 2 details.Maria Hegstad...
Another FDA document presently under development is titled, ''Electronic Standards for the Transmission of Regulatory Information (ESTRI) Gateway.'' The ESTRI document defines strategic plans for electronic submissionsto FDA.FDA haspublishedaguidancedocumentinthis areatitled, ''Guidance for Industry: ...
This historical review documents the development of regulatory guidance on computer validation in toxicology over the past several decades. An overview of the components of a computer life cycle is presented, including the development of systems descriptions, validation plans, validation testing, system ...