an “affected facility” may include several emission sources. Only some of these may be subject to the Methane Emissions Standards. In the Proposed Rule, EPA interprets the IRA as applying the Compliance Exemption to the entire “affected facility” even if th...
EPA has reached an agreement with environmentalists setting a date for the agency to revise “emission factors” used to estimate air pollution from municipal solid waste (MSW) landfills, possibly increasing estimated emissions of the facilities’ conventional air pollutants and greenhouse gases, with...
Gas flaring: Self-consistent estimates of the emission factors of carbon-containing At about 6-8 % of global natural gas production (GGFR, 2012), the process of gas flaring continues to be significant, particularly in oil-rich regions of the world. Composition of natural gas is mainly alkane...
If the two superemitters are included in the analysis, then the average emission factors based on this study could exceed the greenhouse gas inventory emission factors, which highlights the potentially important contribution of superemitters to national emissions. However, quantification of their ...
In any event, all changes to AP-42 emission factors for landfill gas will undergo Agency and public review before their final adoption. For those of you interested in volunteering additional emission measurement data and/or learning more about this research, contact either Susan Thorneloe of EPA'...
Show these figures before and after applying deterioration factors, where applicable. EPA 对发动机系族(Engine Family)划分的原则点燃式见 Part 90.116 压燃式见 Part 1039.230 PLT 目前 EPA 还未对压燃式发动机提出 PLT 要求。 ABT 附录§ 1039.805 What symbols, acronyms, and abbreviations does this part ...
emissions on a national level by 30 percent in 2030 compared to 2005 levels. The proposed limits for individual states vary from the national target based on the state's potential for renewable energy deployment, projected demand-side management savings, and capacity ...
AP - 42 ( Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors )是美国国家环保局( USEPA )编写的大气污染物排放系数汇编,涵盖了固定燃烧源、内燃机和无组织排放等各个方面,是估算排放量、建立排放清单的常用参考工具。在 EPA 的网站上可以免费下载。查 AP - 42 中 1.1 Bituminous And Subbituminous Coal Combustion ...
EMISSION FACTORS FOR CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES FROMOIL FURNACE CARBON BLACK MANUFACTURE a Chemical Substance Main Process Vent Gas b kg/Mg lb/ton Carbon disulfide 30 60 Carbonyl sulfide 10 20 Methane 25 50 (10 - 60) (20 - 120) Nonmethane VOC Acetylene 45 90 (5 - 130) (10 - 260) Ethane 0...
For oil- and gas-fired steam EGUs, EPA broke the standards into three categories: (i) those with annual capacity factors greater than 45% (base load); (ii) those between 8% and 45% (intermediate load); and (iii) those less than 8% (low load). Base load sources have...