Environmental Protection Agency Cleanups in My Community database. http://iaspub.epa.gov/Cleanups Environmental Protection Agency's Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Information System. www.epa.gov/superfund/sites/cursites Environmental Protection Agency Federal Brownfields Tax Incen...
Environmental Protection Agency chief Andrew Wheeler on Thursday defended the Trump administration’s record on protecting the nation’s air and water and said a second term would bring a greater focus on pollution cleanups in disadvantaged communities and less emphasis on climate change. In a speech...
Environmental Agencies, Superfund Cleanups, and Managing Enforcement Actions West Virginia vs. EPA Part II: U.S. Supreme Court Applies the Major Questions Doctrine to limit EPA Regulatory Authority #WorkforceWednesday: Employers Respond to Dobbs, Implications of the Supreme Court's EPA Ruling, and Pa...
SEATTLE (Waste Advantage):EPA released a draft “EJ Action Plan: Building Up Environmental Justice in EPA’s Land Protection and Cleanup Programs” highlighting projects, tools, and practices to be applied to the Agency’s Office of Land and Emergency Management (OLEM...
Under the Superfund law, parties responsible for contaminated sites must either conduct cleanups or reimburse the government for an EPA-led cleanup work. The law also created the Superfund trust, funded primarily through excise taxes imposed on the chemical and petroleum industries, which funded the ...
Each year, EPA Region 7 responds to about 40 regional incidents like this one. These incidents range from mercury cleanups to oil spill response to lead removal. The chemical explosion at Port Neal identifies the need for advanced technology in air monitoring, spurring the development of a mobile...