estimated as part of the careful analysis undertaken for all significant regulations, as required by Executive Order 13563 issued by President Obama in January 2011.The Clean Air Act requires EPA to review its air quality standards every five years to determine whether the standards should be ...
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has announced its decision to retain the current National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for fine particulate matter (PM2.5) and ozone (O3) under the Clean Air Act. However, the new Biden EPA is all but certain to reevaluate the ...
EPA is moving to restore an air pollution “nuisance” rule as part of Ohio’s state implementation plan (SIP) for meeting federal air quality standards, reversing a Trump-era decision to scrap the measure, after a federal appeals court found environmentalists had standing to sue, and granted...
CAA(Clean Air Act):空气清洁法令 CAAA(Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990):1990空气清洁法令修正 CLD (chemiluminescent detector)—化学发光探测器 CO :一氧化碳 CO2:二氧化碳 EPA:环境保护署FTP(Federal Test Procedure):联邦检验法 g/kw-hr:克每千瓦小时 ...
‘regulation of the modification and construction of any stationary source within the areas covered by the plan as necessary to assure that national ambient air quality standards are achieved, including a permit program as required in parts C and D of this subchapter.’ This new requirement woul...
CAAA(Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990):1990空气清洁法令修正 CLD (chemiluminescent detector)—化学发光探测器 CO :一氧化碳 CO2:二氧化碳 EPA:环境保护署FTP(Federal Test Procedure):联邦检验法 g/kw-hr:克每千瓦小时 HC :碳氢化合物 HCLD(heated chemiluminescent detector):热化学发光探测器 ...
With the release of a package of proposals for revising the ambient air quality standards under the Clean Air Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is poised to significantly tighten the allowed ambient concentrations of two major classes of criteria pollutants: ozone and particulate matter....
Environmental group Our Children’s Earth Foundation is seeking to force EPA to approve or disapprove a slew of overdue state implementation plan (SIP) revisions for attaining federal air quality standards in Nevada and New Jersey. In one suit filed Feb. 2 in the U.S. District Court for the...
《农药登记改进法案》 (PRIA, Pesticide Registration Improvement Act) 《联邦法规汇编第40篇》(40 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations) 四、EPA认证使用区域 假如商品在国外除加州以外的49个州开展售销,则只需申办EPA验证;假如商品需要出入口到美国加州,则需要进行申办CARB验证。 CARB是“California Air Resources Boa...
air quality standards (NAAQS) by addinga new 5-minute standard of 0.60 ppm, 1 expectedexceedance; establishing a new regulatory program undersection 303 of the Clean Air Act to supplement theprotection provided by the existing NAAQS; and augmentingimplementation of the existing standards by focusing...