regulatoryrequirementsundersection13oftheToxicSubstancesControlAct(TSCA).This checklistisnottheTSCAcertificationstatementitself.Thereisnorequirementthatimporters usethisdocumentorsubmitittothegovernment. Theimportrequirementsundersection13ofTSCA(15USC2612)andrelatedregulations(19 ...
《食品质量保护法》 (FQPA, (Food Quality Protection Act) 《农药登记改进法案》 (PRIA, Pesticide Registration Improvement Act) 《联邦法规汇编第40篇》(40 CFR, Code of Federal Regulations) 四、EPA认证使用区域 假如商品在国外除加州以外的49个州开展售销,则只需申办EPA验证;假如商品需要出入口到美国加州,...
EPA/CEPPO Clean Air Act - Section 112(r) - Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Risk Management Plan Data Element Instructions. MOU OSHA and EPA Accident Investigations. The latest news about accidents and list of accidents MODEL RISK MANAGEMENT PROGRAM AND PLAN FOR AMMONIA REFRIGERATION, MAY 1996...
The regulations are to be drawn up under the Safe Drinking Water Act and will be promulgated under the Underground Injection Control program of the act. The EPA said its goal is to establish a consistent and effective permit system for geological storage of carbon dioxide.McElligott...
This notice, which was prompted by what is generally believed to be a misreading of the Clean Air Act by EPA's Inspector General Office (C&EN, July 21, 1997, page 25), has caused academic and industrial researchers and health and safety officers a lot of headaches. The Clean Air Act ...
另外,美国环境保护署(Environmental Protection Agency,简称EPA)依据「联邦杀虫药、杀霉菌药和杀鼠药法」(Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act,简称FIFRA)及「联邦毒物管理法」(Toxic Substances Control Act,简称TSCA),于一九八三年分别发布了两个几乎与上述FDA同样的法规,用于农产品、工业用化学品的...
“EPA must act now and protect this community facing a dire health emergency and the highest cancer risk from air pollution in the nation. EPA must also advance the core goals of environmental justice to which it has recommitted itself under the leadership of President Biden and EPA ...
(EPA) announced a settlement with Integrated DNA Technologies Inc. for claims of violations of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act tied to emissions at the company’s San Diego, California facility. The company has agreed to pay a $15,890 civil penalty and has certified it is now in ...
农药在美国由美国环境保护署监管,即美国EPA(Environmental Protection Agency, EPA),美国的农药管理法规也常常被称为美国EPA法规。 美国农药管理最重要的一部法规叫做FIFRA(Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act),即联邦杀虫剂、杀真菌剂、灭鼠剂法案。这部法案为联邦农药管理法,它规定了美国农药登记的相关...