1.3 方法 3060 消解物中 Cr(VI) 的定量应使用具有适当准确度和精密度的合适技术进行,例如方法 7196(通过 UV-VIS 分光光度法进行比色)或方法 7199(通过离子色谱 (1C) 进行比色)。一旦性能达到要求,就可以使用诸如 1C 电感耦合等离子体质谱 (ICP-MS) 检测、高效液相色谱 (HPLC) 和 ICP-MS 检测、毛细管...
EPA 3060A-1996 发布历史 EPA 3060A-1996由美国环保总局 US-EPA 发布于 1996-12。EPA 3060A-1996 六价铬的碱性消化的最新版本是哪一版?EPA 3060A-1996已经是当前最新版本。1.1 本方法中任何对“方法 3060”的引用均指该方法的本版本,而不是指以前发布的版本(例如,本手册第二版中的版本)。当作为 SW-846...
The use of diphenylcarbazide has been well established in the colorimetric procedure (Method 7196), in rapid-test field kits, and in the ion chromatographic method for Cr(VI) (Method 7199). It is highly selective for Cr(VI) and few interferences are encountered when it is used on alkaline...
Adjust the pH of the solution to 7.5 ± 0.5 if the sample is to be analyzed using Method 7196 (adjust the pH accordingly if an alternate analytical method is to be used; i.e. 9.0 ± 0.5 if Method 7199 is to be used) and monitor the pH with a pH meter. If the pH of the ...
The use of diphenylcarbazide has been well established in the colorimetric procedure (Method 7196), in rapid-test field kits, and in the ion chromatographic method for Cr(VI) (Method 7199). It is highly selective for Cr(VI) and few interferences are encountered when it is used on alkaline...
7199 for a discussion of the specific agents that may interfere with Cr(VI) quantification. Analytical techniques that reduce bias caused by co-extracted matrix components may be applicable in correcting these biases after validation of their performance effectiveness. 3.3 For waste materials or soils...