图3.Waters ERA PFAS在废水CRM中所有40种EPA 1633目标分析物的定量值。红线表示CRM认证值的最小(虚点线)和最大(虚划线)认证值范围。蓝线表示认证值。灰色实线表示平均实验定量值(n=3)。请注意,坐标轴使用对数刻度表示。 真实水样中的PFAS分...
在美国,US EPA方法1633已成为分析非饮用水基质、土壤、生物固体和组织中PFAS的基础方法。该方法包括使用弱阴离子交换(WAX)固相萃取(SPE)进行样品前处理和石墨化炭黑(GCB)净化的步骤。本应用纪要是一系列展示执行1633方法综合解决方案文...
and establish a "grandfather" provision for permit applications if a draft permit or preliminary determination has been issued for public comment by the date the revised PM NAAQS go into effect. In addition to the CAA requirement for states to submit implementation plans, EPA acts to control NAAQ...
US EPA Method 1633 was first introduced in August 2021 to become the foundational method for analysis of PFAS in non-potable water matrices, soils, biosolids, and tissues.1 At the time of writing this document, Method 1633 is in...
US EPA Method 1633 was first introduced in August 2021 to become the foundation method for analysis of PFAS in non-potable water matrices, soils, biosolids, and tissues.1 At the time of the writing of this document, Metho...