M5030|Enhance your cargo bike's efficiency with the SHIMANO STEPS EP801 Mid-Ship Drive Unit, a US Class 3 device with 85 Nm of torque and CAN/ACC ports for advanced connectivity.
shimano禧玛诺中置电机EP800 EP801 DRIVE UNIT, DU-EP801, MID SHIP POSITION, FOR 28mph(US CLASS 3), BULK 45KM/h 号外….号外….号外……本店 - 中国禧玛诺助力自行车于20240105发布在抖音,已经收获了3个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
FEATURE 電池座與 BT-EN805 及 BT-EN806 相同 FEATURE 外觀與 BT-EN806 相同 Find a Dealer Product Specification PRODUCT SPECIFICATION Model No BT-EN805-L Series SHIMANO 化學組成 鋰離子 位置 整合式 額定電壓 (V) 36 額定電容 (Ah) 14