CLSI EP15-A3-2014 精度和偏差估计的用户验证.pdf,September 2014 EP15-A3 User Verification of Precision and Estimation of Bias; Approved Guideline—Third Edition This document describes the estimation of imprecision and of bias for clinical laboratory quant
·质量管理研究·CLSIEP15A3在正确度验证中的应用.PDF,临床检验杂志2018年10月第36卷第 10期ChinJClinLabSci,Sep.2018,Vol.36,No.10·721·DOI:10.13602/j.cnki.jcls.2018.10.
需要金币:*** 金币(10金币=人民币1元) EP15-A3用户对精密度验证和偏倚评估PPT.pdf 关闭预览 想预览更多内容,点击免费在线预览全文 免费在线预览全文 规章制度生产安全护理学工业设计教育管理建筑材料计算机辅助设计交通运输 下载文档 收藏 分享赏 0 内容提供方:150***0990 审核...
Introduction CLSI EP15 was released as an A3 document in September 2014. This is its fourth iteration, and alt hough it retains much of its original approach, there were some significant changes in the A3 vers ion.The most significant change is the creation of a relatively simple experiment ...
What's New in CLSI EP15-A3:User Verification of Precision and Estimation of Bias;Ap proved Guideline-Third Edition R.Neill Carey,Ph.D.July2015 Introduction CLSI EP15was released as an A3document in September2014.This is its fourth iteration,and alt hough it retains much of its original ...
CLSI EP15-A3在临床生化正确度验证中的应用