Apfel CC, Greim A, Goepfert C et al. (1998) Postoperatives Erbrechen-Ein Score zur Voraussage des Erbrechensrisikos nach Inhalationsanästhesien. Anästhesist 47: 732–740 ArticleCASGoogle Scholar Sneyed JR, Carr A, Byrom WD, Bilski AJT (1998) A metaanalysis of nausea and vomiting ...
Scale bar = 100 μm G Immunohistochemistry (IHC) score for the data shown in (f). Student’s t-test and data are shown as mean ± SEM, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.001. h–j A correlation of IHC levels between Ephexin1 and EphA2 (h), Ephexin1 and EGFR (I), and EphA2 and...
We ranked each of the compounds by calculating the Z-score (cutoff point >1) derived from cell viability assays that were performed after light exposure. We identified 61 compounds in total that met this criterion. The top 50 compounds from the ranking list were considered as hits and ...
Video: Guided By Voices Deliver New Song, ‘Planet Score’ February 12, 2014 Audio: Spiritualized Head for Space with ‘Always Forgetting With You (The Bridge Song)’ February 12, 2014 Video: U2 Debut Video for New Song, ‘Invisible’ February 12, 2014 Bob Dylan’s Wildest Interview ...
Clinical signs and survival rate after vaccination: Following vaccination, the parental group (group 2.3) exhibited an average daily clinical score of 5.2 ± 3.1, while the groups vaccinated with the mutant strains showed significantly lower scores: 2.46 ± 1.3 for group 2.1 (Lv17/WB/Rie1-ΔCD...
When we come back, we’ll tally up the score: Does your name matter or doesn’t it? And we will look at the naming patterns among conservative families – which tend to be pretty conservative – and liberal families: Eric OLIVER: Educated liberal mothers tend to be choosing names that ar...
强致病证据PVS1_Strong:已确定LOF是疾病致病机制的基因上的Null变异移码导致蛋白功能缺失,受累区域为蛋白功能关键区域或超过蛋白总长的10%,逃脱NMD;强致病证据PS2:已在1个或多个表型相关且经亲缘关系确定的家系中检测到该变异为新发突变(de novo mutation),达到2≤PS2-Case_Score<4;支持致病证据PM2_Supporting:正常...
Treatment with AT-RvD1 prior to disease onset reduces lymphocytic infiltration in SMG. A widely used histopathological grading system was used to score lymphocytic infiltration and representative images show varying degrees of inflammation in SMG (Fig. 2A). As shown in Fig. 2B and C...
5.1.10 静脉血栓风险评估:对于瘫痪、高龄、肥胖、静脉曲张、脑梗死、血栓病史及家族史、D-二聚体水平增高等具有深静脉血栓及肺栓塞高危因素的患者可采用Wells血栓风险评分进行评估[24,25]。 5.2 PVP/PKP 手术专项评估 5.2.1 腰腿痛及功能评估:可采用视觉模拟评分(visual analogue score, VAS)和Oswestry功能障碍指数...