Jong Cheol Jeong, Hyeong Eun Son, Yeon Ho Park, Inwhee Park, Jae Berm Park, Dong Wan Chae, Jaeseok Yang, Curie Ahn, Yun Ji Hong, Borae G. Park Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea; Department of Surgery, Gachon University Coll...
0.16 mg (e.g., on Cycle 1 Day 1) More than 8 days Repeat Cycle 1 schedule starting at step-up dose 1 (0.16 mg). Following the repeat of Cycle 1 schedule, resume the planned treatment schedule. 0.8 mg (e.g., on Cycle 1 Day 8) More than 8 days Repeat Cycle 1 schedule starting...
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doi:10.1002/asna.18931321509Schulhof, LWILEY‐VCH VerlagAstronomische Nachrichten
doi:10.1002/asna.18991481013FayetWILEY‐VCH VerlagAstronomische Nachrichten
Our attention was attracted by a comparative assessment of the features of purine metabolism in women with preeclampsia and acute brain stroke. Methods The study involved 33 women with preeclampsia and 350 women in acute period of cerebral stroke, in which, in addition to conventional laboratory ...
This article discusses a unique case report of a 39-year-old pregnant woman with acute liver disease of unknown origin. The woman presented with symptoms of jaundice and was initially treated with medication, but when that had little effect, experimental plasmapheresis therapy was offered. After ...
ep-1161 oropharynx cancer (oc): acute/sub-acute toxicity in pts treated with 3d-conformal radiotherapy and imrtdoi:10.1016/S0167-8140(12)71494-9Costa, L.Buglione, M.Pasinetti, N.Castrezzati, E.Cavagnini, R.Tonoli, S.Magrini, S.M....
EP115 EVALUATION OF A POLYVINYL ALCOHOL GELLING FIBRE DRESSING IN HOME CARE AND ACUTE CARE SETTINGSBlaise, SophieSantacreu, ManuelaLardet, MarieDrareni, WassilaDesrennes, ElodieMadriaga, GilbertJournal of Wound Management
We aimed to study the acute stress disorder (ASD) during the COVID-19 pandemic in the surgical trainee. Methods The case self-isolated for 2 weeks with an intensifying fear of health deterioration. The case's isolation and feelings of being in poor health, opened for an e-mail therapy. ...