EOTECH HolographicWeaponSight(HWS)生产过程中,全息镜片是最终的成像部分,乃至全息片是整个HWS至关重要的部分。在以全息片作为基础部分的光路制作、外壳尺寸缩小、保护方式在EOTECH的优化下变得更轻、更小、更耐用。面对市场上的多数反射式准直瞄准具中有成像清晰、低视差、透光性强、视窗大、亮度高、拥有NV档、便...
EOTech EXPS3-0 Holographic Sight Single transverse 123 battery to reduce sight length Shortened base only requires at most 2 3/4 inch of rail space compared to the 4 inch N battery sights Battery cap and latch are eliminated and replaced with a simple O-ring, tethered cap; better sealing...
EOTech公司把自己的产品称之为HWS,即全息衍射图像武器瞄准具(Holographic Weapon Sight)的缩写,现在的EOTech公司并不是唯一生产全息衍射瞄准镜的企业,大家一般都把他们的产品也称为EOTech。最初的第二代HWS型号最初为551型和552型,后来又推出了553型、XPS3型等多种型号,虽然以前的型号也有被美军使用,不过EOTech ...
EOTech EXPS3 HWS (Holographic Weapon Sight) 技术手册说明 OPERATOR’S MANUAL FOR EXPS3™ HWS® (HOLOGRAPHIC WEAPON SIGHT)See inside cover for distribution statement.EOTech Technical Manual ver. F JUNE 2015 An L-3 Company
EOTech EXPS3-0 Black Holographic Sight 68 MOA Ring 1 MOA Dot QD Lever EXPS3-0 | Only at EuroOptic.com!
The EOTECH EXPS3 Holographic Weapon Sight is a lightweight, non-magnifying, optical sight designed for close to mid-range engagements. It provides very fast target acquisition and engagement at short ranges while providing aiming capability out to 300 meters equal to or better than iron sights....
Combination of the 518.2 Holographic Weapon Sight and the G33.STS Magnifier What makes this beauty perfect forclose quartersis the 68-MOA circle and the fact that you can flip your magnifier unit to a side mount. And here’s the cool part: you can quickly pop off the magnifier to use ...
558 Holographic weapon sight with 68MOA ring and 1 MOA dot reticle. Holographic Hybrid Sight Includes 558 sight with G45/G43/G33 Magnifier. Quick Transitions - Change quickly from close quarter to medium range targets with the included G45/G43/G33 Magnifier with Quick. ...
EOTech公司把自己的产品称之为HWS,即全息衍射图像武器瞄准具(Holographic Weapon Sight)的缩写,现在的EOTech公司并不是唯一生产全息衍射瞄准镜的企业,大家一般都把他们的产品也称为EOTech。最初的第二代HWS型号最初为551型和552型,后来又推出了553型、XPS3型等多种型号,虽然以前的型号也有被美军使用,不过EOTech ...
EOTech EXPS3-2 Black Holographic Sight 68 MOA Ring (2) 1 MOA Dots QD Lever EXPS3-2 | Only at EuroOptic.com!