正面看全息瞄准镜 EOTech公司把自己的产品称之为HWS,即全息衍射图像武器瞄准具(Holographic Weapon Sight)的缩写,现在的EOTech公司并不是唯一生产全息衍射瞄准镜的企业,大家一般都把他们的产品也称为EOTech。最初的第二代HWS型号最初为551型和552型,后来又推出了553型、XPS3型等多种型号,虽然以前的型号也有被美军...
EOTech Model EXPS2-0 Holographic Weapon SightEXPS2-0$645.00 Item out of stock, click Notify Me to be emailed when product available EOTech Model G33 MagnifierG33.STS$609.00$579.00 Item out of stock, click Notify Me to be emailed when product available ...
1. EXPS2-0 If you’re looking for the overall best EOTech holographic sight, then I’d recommend getting theEXPS2-0. Here’s why. It’s: Compact Affordable Easy-to-Install Long Battery Life (600+ Hours) You could also easily mount a magnifier since the buttons are on the side, and...
正面看全息瞄准镜 EOTech公司把自己的产品称之为HWS,即全息衍射图像武器瞄准具(Holographic Weapon Sight)的缩写,现在的EOTech公司并不是唯一生产全息衍射瞄准镜的企业,大家一般都把他们的产品也称为EOTech。最初的第二代HWS型号最初为551型和552型,后来又推出了553型、XPS3型等多种型号,虽然以前的型号也有被美军...