Canon佳能数码相机EOS系列EOS1300D用于Windows的EOSUtilityVer.3.13使用说明书用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 简介 相机通信软件 EOS Utility 目录 下载图像 Ver. 3.13 1 1D X Mk III 1D X Mk II 1D X 1D C 5DS/5DS R 5D Mk IV 5D Mk III R5 R6 R/Ra RP 6D Mk II 6D 7D Mk II 90D ...
eos utility中文版是佳能官方针对中国用户而开发的一款用于将图片从相机下载至电脑、指定相机设定和远景拍摄相片的软件,简称为相机通信软件,通过用接口电缆连接相机和计算机,可以将相机存储卡中保存的图像下载到计算机,还可以在计算机上使用eos utility设定各种相机设置或进行遥控摄摄,能够支持 32位和64位的win7/win8.1/...
EOS Utility for Mac is a powerful and versatile software application that enables home users and professional photographers to easily establish a connection to their favorite modern Canon digital camera and access file transfer or remote shooting capabilities. ...
故多个厂商在早前开发出软件,让旗下的相机变成高素质的网络摄录镜头。而 Canon 刚刚就发布了一套可以在旗下单反相机和无反相机使用的 Webcam 入门套装,可以配合 Canon 的 Webcam Utility 软件一并使用,定价由 US$89起。
camera to a Mac or PC computer, where it will be recognised as a USB webcam. Eliminating the need for additional equipment, the EOS Web Utility Software will enable users to replace their existing webcam and experience high-quality virtual meetings and video conferencing through their Canon ...
本吧热帖: 1-佳能eos吧吧规 2-佳能eos m10 3-小白求二手千元内推荐 4-最新版EOS Utility 点击没反应 5-佳能EOS Webcam Utility软件问题 6-佳能eos rp为什么保存不了虚化图片? 7-想入手佳能入门级全画幅微单?哪位高手推荐一下 8-佳能APS-C画幅微单相机新品EOS M6 Mark II
Frame grab is not available for movies recorded with [Canon Log] set to [On]. Print order (DPOF): Compliant with DPOF Version 1.1 Customization (C.Fn) Custom Function: 22 Custom Functions are settable External interface Digital terminal Terminal type: USB Type-C Transmission: SuperSpeed Plus...
I wish I'd seen this earlier. I "upgraded" to Mohave on my MacbookPro over the weekend. I have a photoshoot coming up and was trying out my gear. I can wifi-connect my Canon with the Mac, and I can open EOS Utility 3 - it works normally up till the point where I have to tu...
Thanks to the powerful Canon Utility software, Canon’s new EOS 800D DSLR camera is a great choice for use with a microscope. Additionally, Canon’s Camera Connect app offers several interesting options for working with a smartphone or tablet. The EOS 800D comes equipped with all the basics...
September 2003.Canon introduced theEOS Digital Rebel 300D, an entry-level digital SLR with most of the features of the 10D for less than 2/3 the price-- about $900 USD, body only. It's also lighter (560 g vs. 790 g) and (no surprise) not as well constructed-- it has a "plast...