This will be the first multi-center study to evaluate this critical issue in the field of orthopaedic trauma. The proportion of women in Canada 15 years of age and older who have experienced physical or sexual vio- lence in a marital or common-law union in the last 5 years is between 6...
Inflorescence racemose, elongate or condensedumbelliform; flowers perfect, zygomorphic, usually subtended by foliage leaves; prophylls rarely present; calyx almost always spurred, gamosepalous, 5-lobed, sometimes bilabiate and with unequal lobes, aestivation valvate or imbricate; petals 5, or 2 ...
The rhetoric which is full of "enlargement fatigue" and "absorption capacity" sends a clear message that EU feels like giving up its role in democratization, political stabilization, economic liberalization, peace-building and rule of law in Western Balkans and all other aspirants. Moreover, the...
Institute of Law, Economics and Administration Przedsiębiorczość – Edukacja Entrepreneurship – Education 20(1) Honorowy Redaktor Naczelny/Honorary Editor: Zbigniew Zioło Redaktor naczelny/Editor‑in‑chief: Monika Borowiec-Gabryś Zastępca redaktora naczelnego – redaktor prowadz...
Oxford Public International Law defines holy places in the strict sense, using this term to refer to politically disputed sites in Israel and Palestine, including the Temple Mount5. Terrorist attacks based on the idea of jihad and religious or quasi-religious wars of the last two decades have ...
Whereas the fulfillment of it means that from now on Senator shall have full rights and duties of a parliamentarian. The capability of taking the oath with additional sentence "So help me God" gives the title institution religious dimension. However, in contrast to the t...
One such form is crowdfunding. The paper by Nose and Hosomi (2023) is dedicated to the equity crowdfunding (ECF) issue in the Japanese context. The research provides an answer to the question of what makes equity crowdfunding successful. The "Signaling Hypothesis" and "Lack of Financial ...
Flexible forms of employment were created as a result of the introduction of new technologies in the workflow (automation, computerization, robots) and employers' reactions to so-called, standard (typical) form of work-time employment with full-time. Flexible forms of em...
First of all, it led to the change of provisions directly relating to the compulsory mortgage contained in Chapter 3 of the Section II of the Law on Land Registers and Mortgage. Secondly, the introduction of a number of new regulations concerning a conventional mortgage (such as the ...
The author tries to explain and to prove these two theses through a comparative examination of the features of the constitutions in terms of constitutional law, the history of their development, and the contemporary reality of both the full parliamentary and the semipresidential system.Smiljko Sokol...