EOIR’s case completions data include both initial case completions (IJs’ first dispositive decisions) and subsequent case completions (e.g., a respondent files a motion to reconsider or reopen a case after the initial completion). At the end of FY2024, EOIR had 3,558,995 pending cases. ...
Another alternative, available is some matters, is to submit either Motion to Reopen if new facts occur after the Judge decides the case, or a Motion to Reconsider if there is a change in the law.In most cases, there are strict time limits that must be followed in submitting Appeals and...
Another alternative, available is some matters, is to submit either Motion to Reopen if new facts occur after the Judge decides the case, or a Motion to Reconsider if there is a change in the law.In most cases, there are strict time limits that must be followed in submitting Appeals and...