1. 解释“eof while scanning triple-quoted string literal”错误的含义 “eof while scanning triple-quoted string literal”这个错误通常出现在使用Python等编程语言时,特别是在处理多行字符串(使用三引号'''或"""包围的字符串)时。这个错误表明Python解释器在扫描一个由三引号开始的字符串字面量时,意外地达到了...
EFO while scanning triple-quoted string litera 翻译出来是:扫描三引号字符串文字时的EOF; EOF:计算机术语,为End Of File 解决方法:三引号加上就OK了
注释EOFwhilescanningtriple-quotedstringliteral 注释EOFwhilescanningtriple-quotedstringliteral 需要注释的多⾏内容⽤上下三引号括起来,⽽不是只⽤上三引号(虽然从编辑界⾯的字体颜⾊看起来已经被注释掉了)。⽰例:for i in range(5):print i '''for i in range(5):print i 执⾏报错:SyntaxEr...
注释EOFwhilescanningtriple-quotedstringliteral 需要注释的多行内容用上下三引号括起来,而不是只用上三引号(虽然从编辑界面的字体颜色看起来已经被注释掉了)。 示例: for i in range(5): print i ''' for i in range(5): print i 执行报错: SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal ...
报错信息如下: SyntaxError: EOF while scanning triple-quoted string literal 错误分析:你注释的三个点(‘’’)不...
Before version 1.3.0, in Python source, this was parsed as a multi-line comment and skipped over: """ Hello """ Now an error is reported on every new line in the comment. It looks like it doesn't treat the entire triple-quoted string as ...
Learning Python while pregnant isn't a good mix (hormones × frustration) lol 6th Mar 2020, 10:33 PM Anna 0 is this what your trying to do?:- mileCharge = 12.12 # just some random number to use as an example print("{:.2f}%".format(mileCharge)) 6th Mar 2020, 10:40 PM rod...
注释EOFwhilescanningtriple-quotedstringliteral 2019-10-29 08:53 −... 数之美 0 11331 字符串 2019-12-25 11:48 −三对双引号(即"")用来注释,三对单引号(即'')用来展示多行字符串,即展示多行文本内容的意思. Python: 所有的索引均支持正负索引 for 循环中可以有 for i in range(1,8,2) 也...