导致EOF reached while reading 错误的常见原因 读取的数据量超出了文件或输入流的实际长度:当尝试读取的数据量超过了实际可用的数据量时,会发生此异常。 循环读取数据时未正确检查EOF:在循环中读取数据时,如果没有正确检查是否已经到达文件末尾,就可能会尝试读取不存在的数据。 数据处理逻辑错误:数据处理逻辑可能导致期...
("example.txt", "r"); if (file == NULL) { perror("Error opening file"); return 1; } int c; while ((c = fgetc(file)) != EOF) { putchar(c); } if (feof(file)) { printf("\nReached end of file.\n"); } else if (ferror(file)) { perror("Error reading file"); } ...
There are other methods likeIO#getswhich don't raiseEOFErroreven when the end of file has reached and returnsnil. »Handling it while reading files For reading small files preferFile#readwhich returns the contents of the whole file instead of reading it line by line (usingFile#readline) to...
展开以查看高级处理方法 importsyswhileTrue:try:data=input("Enter data: ")exceptEOFError:print("EOF reached, handling gracefully")sys.exit() 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 验证测试 对于修复的代码,我们需要进行充分的单元测试,确保新修改没有引入新的问题。 单元测试用例 使用以下公式统计测试通过率...
while (is.get(c)) // loop getting single characters std::cout << c; if (is.eof()) // check for EOF std::cout << "[EoF reached]\n"; else std::cout << "[error reading]\n"; is.close(); // close file return 0;
operator bool() is used herefor(int n;file>>n;){std::cout<<n<<' ';}std::cout<<'\n';if(file.bad())std::cout<<"I/O error while reading\n";elseif(file.eof())std::cout<<"End of file reached successfully\n";elseif(file.fail())std::cout<<"Non-integer data encountered\n...
std::ifstreamis("example.txt");//open filecharc;while(is.get(c))//loop getting single charactersstd::cout <<c;if(is.eof())//check for EOFstd::cout <<"[EoF reached]\n";elsestd::cout<<"[error reading]\n";is.close();//close filereturn0; ...
It's perfectly possible that reading the contents reached EOF (therefore making OSSL_STORE_eof() return true), and for the decoding to end in error (therefore making OSSL_STORE_error() return true). That would lead to the situation you're in. It disturbs me that openssl reports "success...
if (feof($this->stream)) { $this->close(); throw new Kafka_Exception_Socket_EOF('Unexpected EOF while reading '.$len.' bytes from stream (no data)'); } // Otherwise wait for bytes $readable = @stream_select($read, $null, $null, $this->recvTimeoutSec, $this->recvTimeoutUsec)...
人们经常误认为 EOF 是从文件中读取的一个字符(牢记)。其实,EOF 不是一个字符,它被定义为是 int ...