Enzymesarebiocatalystswithhigh specificityandhighefficiency.Virtually almostallenzymesareproteins.(presently,somecatalyticallyactiveRNA havebeenidentified.)Section1introduction Accordingtothecompositionsofenzymes:someenzymesarecompletelycomposedof proteins(单成份酶,简单蛋白质)otherenzymesrequirenonprotein...
2006. One protein, two enzymes revisited: a structural entropy switch interconverts the two isoforms of acireductone dioxygenase . J. Mol. Biol. 363 :823–834Ju,T., Goldsmith,R.B., Chai,S.C., Maroney,M.J., Pochapsky,S.S. and Pochapsky,T.C. (2006) One protein, two enzymes ...
Such a system could be used to detect any type of RNA, including RNA distinctive of cancer cells. While the original Cas13a enzyme used by the UC Berkeley and Broad teams cuts RNA at one specific nucleic acid, uracil, according to the researchers, three of the new Cas13a variants cut RNA...
2,3,4,5,6. The intrinsic feature of continuous electron transfers allows artificial enzymes to maintain high catalytic stability and arbitrarily tailor their characteristics7,8,9,10,11,12. The superior catalytic activity over the naturally-occurring enzymes is one of the major...
Adenylate-forming enzymes are a mechanistic superfamily that are involved in diverse biochemical pathways. They catalyze ATP-dependent activation of carboxylic acid substrates as reactive acyl adenylate (acyl-AMP) intermediates and subsequent coupling to various nucleophiles to generate ester, thioester, and...
[17,51]. In contrast, the majority of A-to-I RNA editing events occur in noncoding RNAs, introns, and 3’ UTRs in both humans and mice [52,53,54]. One intriguing aspect of ADAR1 biology is its association with Alu elements, which are derived from the duplication of short ...
Having one enzyme that can restructure itself to carry out two or more steps in sequence is presumably more efficient than parsing out the tasks to separate enzymes and also reduces the risk of losing intermediate products, particularly those that are chemically labile. Catherine Drennan and ...
Protein is one of the most important dietary nutrients for crayfish maintenance and growth, and the protein requirement needed for this species mainly varies with age and culture conditions (Jover et al., 1999). To our knowledge, there is limited information on protein requirement for pre-adults...
dimensional representation vector for each individual amino acid. In order to create a single fixed-length numerical representation of the whole protein, one typically calculates the element-wise mean across all amino acid representations34,35,49. We refer to these protein representations as ESM-1b ...
As both CTP and NMN are endogenous metabolites, no auxiliary nutrients are required to synthesize NCD by those NcdS-empowered cells. However, it is intimidating to engineer a two-substrate enzyme for active variants specific with two new substrates. On one hand, simultaneous mutating key residues ...