第03章酶enzyme-PPT课件 第3章酶Enzyme 目录 目录 生物催化剂在生命活动中重要性 酶/生物催化剂的概念和化学本质生物催化剂:是生物体内具有催化活性的物质。酶:是指由活细胞产生的具有催化活性的蛋白质。目录 酶/生物催化剂的重要性 是生物体能够进行物质代谢,维持生命活动的必要条件是许多疾病的发病机制和...
(I) 第三节 酶促反应动力学 The kinetics of enzyme catalysis 一、底物浓度对反应速度的影响 E+S ES E+P K1 K3 K2 (一)米-曼氏方程式 1913年,L.Michaelis和M.L.Menten提出米氏方程式 V = Km + [S] Vm [S] Km ——米氏常数 Vm——最大反应速度 Km = K2+ K3 K1 二、酶浓度对反应速度的...
催化作用 catalysis 催化剂~ ~ ~ ~ 酶Sumner 获诺贝尔奖1926年提纯脲酶 酶的提纯(性质) 酶的功能(结构) 应用、工具酶分子酶学酶的概念目前将生物催化剂分为两类酶、核酶(脱氧核酶)酶是一类由活细胞产生的,对其特异底物具有高效催化作用的蛋白质。酶学研究简史公元前两千多年,我载。一百余年前,Pasteur认为发酵是...
29阅读文档大小:8.53M128页apanghuang38上传于2015-02-13格式:PPT Exhibition-of-Master-Wan-Ko-Yee's-Amazing-Achievement-in-the-Form-of-World-Class-Treasures 热度: 生物化学-Chapter 10 Mechanism of enzyme-catalysis and its regulation 热度:
Catalysis,kinetics,regulation 1.1必需基团和活性中心 必需基团:存在于酶蛋白中一定部位,决定酶催化 作用的化学基团 活性中心:酶分子上直接参予与底物结合及催化作 用的必需基团 活性 中心 酶 的 活 性 中 心 1.1必需基团和活性中心 活性中心=结合部位+催化部位 ...
(pK=6) 半寿期小于1010秒,4、 共价催化 (covalent catalysis),酶作为亲核基团或亲电基团,与底物形成一个反应活性很高的共价中间物,使反应活化能降低,从而提高反应速度的过程,称为共价催化。 酶中亲核基团: His 的咪唑基,Cys 的巯基,Asp 的羧基,Ser 的羟基等;亲电子基团:H+ 、Mg2+、 Mn2+ 、Fe3+,金属...
6、hydrophobic amino acidselectrostatic catalysisenzymes use charged amino acids to neutralize charges that develop during formation of the transition state of a reaction. this is known as electrostatic catalysis.consider the hydrolysis of a peptide bondwhy does neutralizing the charge that develops in ...
Green Polymer Chemistry: Synthesis of poly(isobutylene-b-ε-caprolactone) using enzyme catalysis (PPT)The synthesis of a poly(isobutylene-b-ε-caprolactone) block copolymer was accomplished by the combination of living cationic polymerization of isobutylene (IB) with the ring-opening polymerization (...
All of these fields have been inspired by the idea that noncovalent molecular recognition is the source of the awesome power of enzyme catalysis. A quantitative measure of enzyme acceleration is the proficiency of enzyme catalysis, defined by Wolfenden as the rate constant of the enzyme-catalyzed ...
P450Catalysis 1.Substratebinding(presumablynearthesiteofthehemeligand)2.1-electornreductionoftheironbyflavproteinNADPHcytochromeP450reductase 3.ReactionofferrousironwithO2toyieldanunstableFeO2complex 4.AdditionofthesecondelectronfromNADPHorcytochromeb5 5.HeterolyticscissionoftheFeO-O(H)bondtogenerateaformal(FeO...