Carbonic anhydrase: an efficient enzyme with possible global implications. Int J Chem Eng. 2013; 2013:1-6.Christopher D. Boone, Sonika Gill, Carbonic Anhydrase: An Efficient Enzyme with Possible Global Implications, Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, University of Florida, 2013....
The roperties of Carbonic Anhydrase, the enzyme which catalyzes the CO2 hydration and HCO3- dehydration, are reviewed. The mechanism is discussed in details in terms of Zn-OH attacking CO2 to give rise to HCO3 which is then released after H20 uptake. H+ is then released. The inhibition ...
Aspatwar A., Tolvanen M.E., Ortutay C., Parkkila S.: Carbonic anhydrase related proteins: molecular biology and evolution.–In: Frost S.C., McKenna R. (ed.):Carbonic Anhydrase: Mechanism, Regulation, Links to Disease, and Industrial Applications. Subcell. Biochem.Pp. 135–156. Springer...
Arslan A, Demir H, Arslan H. Investigating catalase and carbonic anhydrase enzyme activities and levels of certain trace elements and heavy metals in patients with primary and metastatic hepatic carcinoma. J Cancer Ther 2013; 4: 1373-81.
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Carbonic anhydrase IX (CAIX) is a hypoxia inducible factor 1-induced, cell surface pH regulating enzyme with an established role in tumor progression and clinical outcome. However, the molecular basis of CAIX-mediated tumor progression remains unclear. Here, we have utilized proximity dependent biot...
The effect of host on metal ions, cations and anions which influence activity of the enzyme in sequestration studies suggests that mercury and HCO 3 ion almost completely inhibit the enzyme whereas sulfate ion and zinc enhances carbonic anhydrase activity. Calcium carbonate deposition was observed in...
Carbonic anhydrase(CA; EC a zinc-containing metalloenzyme that catalyzes the reversible conversion of CO_2 to bicarbonate.碳酸酐酶是催化二氧化碳的可逆水合反应的一种含锌金属酶。Bridged polynuclear structure exists widely in the active sites of the metalloprotein and metalloenzyme in ...
1. 1.|Physical and chemical properties of carbonic anhydrase (carbonate hydrolyase, EC purified from Neisseria sicca, strain 6021, have been investigated. Sedimentation equilibrium studies gave a molecular weight of 28 600. A molecular weight near 30 000 is also supported from the close...
Both angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) and carbonic anhydrase III (CAIII) are zinc-containing enzymes. Interestingly, blocking of the both enzymes is attributed with clinically significant outcomes against hyperlipidemia and obesity. An optimized in-vitro screening approach based on HPLC鈥搒ize ...