深圳市恩欣龙特种材料股份有限公司成立于2007年,是一家集研发、 生产、加工、注塑和销售特种工程塑料为一体的国家高新技术企业。多年来,公司始终坚持 “以人为本,科技创新,和谐发展,永续经营”的管理理念。 经过多年的发展,公司已有自动化生产线300余条,产品系列包括:PEEK、PPS、PPSU、 PSU、PEI、PTFE、PA、MC尼龙...
Shenzhen Xinlongpeng Technology Co., Ltd is engaged in liquid crystal display, video processing and conversion, microwave, FTTH&PON, storage, MCU, power supply, logic device, FPGA, audio and video codec, digital-to-analog conversion.
Hunan Xinlong Nonwoven Materials Co., Ltd. is the industrial base of the National Nonwoven Materials Engineering Technology Rese
Over the past twelve years, we have constantly changed ourselves to become partners, and we have always been unremitting in the pursuit of qualityServing customers and creating value for customers is the only reason for the existence of Xinlongbang ...
Jinhua Xinlong Leveling Instrument Co., Ltd. A production-oriented enterprise specializing in R & D and manufacturing of level instruments
03-14星期五 中雨 23~15℃ 03-15星期六 大雨转小雨 16~9℃ 03-16星期日 多云 13~8℃ 03-17星期一 多云 15~8℃ 03-18星期二 多云 18~8℃ 03-19星期三 多云转晴 17~7℃ 03-20星期四 晴 19~5℃ 03-21星期五 多云 18~8℃ 03-22星期六 ...
Dalian Xinlongshun Food Co. LTDDalian Xinlong Shun Food Co., Ltd. is located in Bailanzi Village, Tieshan Street, Lvshunkou District, Dalian City. The sea area is between the yellow sea and the Bohai Sea. The water quality is excellent, suitable for the