enVista is a leading supply chain consulting firm providing technology & strategy, automation & robotics, Microsoft solutions and IT managed services.
Envista’s portfolio of implant, orthodontic, and dental digital workflow brands help dental professionals improve oral care.
Envista’s portfolio of implant, orthodontic, and dental digital workflow brands help dental professionals improve oral care.
“All our Circle values mean the world to me but the one that resonates the most is Respect. Living in the United States, people come from all over the world and can express themselves however they like. I choose to Respect all people of different backgrounds. At Envista, we do the sam...
We have a legacy of success built upon the proven Envista Business System methodology, an experienced leadership team, and a culture of Customer Centricity, Innovation, Respect, Continuous Improvement, and Leadership. 30+ Strong portfolio of more than 30 trusted brands, representing more than 125 ye...
enVista is a leading supply chain consulting firm providing technology & strategy, automation & robotics, Microsoft solutions and IT managed services.
Envista Forensics is a global leader in forensic engineering and investigations consulting with a wide range of expertise including failure analysis, fire investigation, digital forensics, construction, accident reconstruction, equipment restoration, and
2025年1月16日晚,国际权威的杰出雇主调研机构Top Employer Institute正式揭晓了“杰出雇主2025”榜单。百年牙科企业Envista盈纬达凭借在领导力、员工倾听、学习发展与文化塑造等领域的卓越表现,荣获“中国杰出雇主2025”认证,这是盈纬达第四次获此殊荣。 杰出雇主调研机构的认证通过《人力资源最佳实践调研问卷》评估企业的...
近日,全球大型牙科集团盈纬达(Envista)在刚刚公布的“杰出雇主2024”榜单中再次荣膺“中国杰出雇主”。凭借在领导力、人才策略、职场发展、员工倾听等领域的卓越表现,这是盈纬达连续第三年获此殊荣。 据悉,杰出雇主调研机构的认证通过《人力资源最佳实践调研问卷》评估企业的现行人才实践,涉及人力资源六大领域涵盖20个主题...
网站标题 19 个字符 Envista 盈纬达 - 原卡瓦集团 一般不超过80字符 网站关键词 99 个字符 盈纬达,Envista,Envista盈纬达,盈纬达--,Envista--,盈纬达中国,Envista中国,Envista中国--,盈纬达中国--,卡瓦集团,卡瓦--,卡瓦,kavo,kavo卡瓦 一般不超过100字符 网站描述 0 个字符 一般不超过200字符 竞争网站 - ...