In the UK, the Environment Agency is responsible for enforcement of environmental legislation and offences committed under such laws and regulations. Under the current regime, if deemed serious enough, offenders are taken to court. In the past eight years, there have been ~1600 cases (including ...
Elchambers has experience in environmental waste permit (WML), environmental criminal prosecution, sewerage law, SEPA enforcement, ABP, EIA Waste Exports.
It is worth noting that UK businesses are still impacted by some EU ESG regulations. This is naturally the case where they wish to access the EU market, but the EU has also adopted measures with extraterritorial impact, including, notably, the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (“CSRD...
2 Envirowise, the UK government programme that helps businesses improve their profits through waste reduction, estimates that businesses could save on average as much as €1500/employee by reducing waste.3 Since pharmaceutical regulations require an ever-increasing amount of readable information to ...
This paper forms part of a series of papers, seven in total, which have been requested by colleagues to help them as clinicians understand sustainability as it relates to dentistry. This paper focuses on waste and how the dental team can influence how wa
regulations designating which chemicals would be hazardous to the public if released into the environment. The owners and operators of hazardous waste storage, treatment, and disposal sites are required to notify the EPA of the amount and types of hazardous substances on-site, and of any known, ...
With the ongoing push towards a circular economy, Europe is seeing a tightening of requirements related to recyclability and proper labeling of product packaging. The current revision of the EU Packaging and Packaging Waste Directive proposes EU-wide mandatory regulations for recycling labeling – howeve...
A global data analysis suggests that a large fraction of surface waters and groundwaters globally have concentrations of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) that exceed international advisories or national regulations. Diana Ackerman Grunfeld ...
Drax Power Station is required to comply with UK laws and regulations which limit emissions to atmosphere. Standards came into effect in August 2021 under the Industrial Emissions Directive and Large Combustion Plant Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREF) which sets limits for emissions. ...
With explicit reference to environmental pressure from waste, the UK Environment Agency (EA) has identified various social, economic, community, political, and demographic impacts. These include disturbance and stress effects due, for example, to bad odours, noise, and visual intrusion, devaluation of...