About the Journal Current issue Online first Notes to Authors Submission Archive Online firstORIGINAL RESEARCHAntioxidant Activity of Plant Extracts and the Enhance of Their Cytotoxic Effects in Combination with Cisplatin on HeLa Cell LineMiguel Ángel Alfaro Jiménez, Hannah Aranzazu Aguilar Vega, Perla...
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15244/pjoes/139380 Abstract Article (PDF) SHORT COMMUNICATION Effect of Solidago Eradication Methods on Soil Invertebrates - Preliminary Studies Peliyagodage Chathura Dineth Perera, Iwona Gruss, Jacek Twardowski, Magdalena Szymura Pol. J. Environ. Stud. 2022;31(1):485...
Many studies have also included a cubic term of Y (i.e. Y3) to check whether the EKC curve is N-shaped. For studies that examine N-shaped EKC, expected links are as follows: (i) If β1 > 0 and β2 < 0 and β3 > 0, there will be a cubic polynomial or N-shaped relationship...
Microbiome epidemiology and association studies in human health Article 05 October 2022 Large-scale association analyses identify host factors influencing human gut microbiome composition Article 18 January 2021 Data availability The raw microbiome sequencing data, processed microbiome data (including taxo...
The choice of geographic scale is the subject of much debate in EJ research: studies suggest in their findings that different spatial units of analysis lead to different conclusions about environmental justice (Di Fonzo et al.,2022; Walker,2009). This choice is certainly dependent on the specific...
First, this paper studies N-shaped EKC in 214 countries and incorporates 12 traditional or novel institutional, technological, resource, and social factors as additional variables in the EKC equation. This work provides preliminary but crucial information for mitigation actions by elucidating the ...
• Regional studies of resource consumption and/or nature conservation in open landscapes as well as in urban regions Environmental Modelling & Software welcomes review articles on the topics above, especially ones that relate to generic modelling and/or software issues, or are cross-disciplinary in...
Notes: h, leverage; p, p-value. Standard errors (in brackets) are based on HC2 method developed by MacKinnon and White (1985). Significance level: p-value <0.01***; p-value <0.05**: p-value <0.1*. The results showed that the IPS index and physicians were significantly and negatively...
Notes 2018 There are several studies reporting that respondents ignore risk information altogether (Veronesi et al.,20142019) and speculating that cognitive burden or education levels may explain such behaviour. ) in two ways. First, whereas their paper investigated the effects of risk on environmenta...
It then takes stock of climate stress testing proposals and early practices globally and applies the evaluative framework in comparative case studies of the Bank of England and US Federal Reserve. It concludes that stress testing can support the measurement and management of both microprudential and ...