reliable and accurate, these mapping tools will significantly understate the problem, that will bias the health effects of these pollutants toward the null finding in any investigation. One example of a comprehensive public online mapping tool is CalEnviroScreen, developed by the California EPA, Offic...
Human exposure to natural ionizing radiation is due to both internal sources such as ingestion and inhalation of radioactive isotopes, and external sources from cosmic radiation and primordial radionuclides present in the Earth crust. Primordial radionuclides are40K and radioisotopes of the decay series ...
Ph.D. StaffScientist NaturalResourcesDefenseCouncil 111SutterStreet,20 th Floor SanFrancisco,California94104 ReneeSharp Director,CaliforniaOffice EnvironmentalWorkingGroup 2201BroadwayStreet,Suite308 Oakland,California94612 DearMr.Kar,Dr.Janssen,andMs.Sharp: ThankyouforyourletterofMay13,2010,respondingtothe...