Planetary science Solid Earth sciences Space physics Show more Latest Research and Reviews A global urban tree leaf area index dataset for urban climate modeling Wenzong Dong Hua Yuan Yongjiu Dai ResearchOpen Access12 Mar 2025Scientific Data
water research;environmental international;environmental science-nano;journal of clear production;journal of hazardous material;environmental health perspectives;environmental science & technology;Environmental Science & Technology Letters;Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions; 其中environmental science-nano和...
Environmental science is the multidisciplinary study of all aspects of the Earth’s physical and biological environments. It encompasses environmental chemistry, soil science, ecology, climatology, vegetation cover, marine and freshwater systems, as well as environmental remediation and preservation, and agr...
Read the latest articles of Environmental Research at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Read the latest articles of Environmental Research at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
Read the latest articles of Environmental Research at, Elsevier’s leading platform of peer-reviewed scholarly literature
NRC National Research Council (Ed.) (1985): Oil in the Sea: Inputs, Fates and Effects. National Academy Press. Washington Google Scholar Rolan, R.G.; Galagher, R. (1991): Recovery of intertidal biotic communities at Sullom Voe following the Esso Bernica oil spill of 1978. In: Americ...
《Environmental science & technology》期刊是环境科学与技术期刊,简称(ES&T),创刊于1967年,期刊所在地为美国,由ACS出版,每年24期,最新影响因子为11.4。 根据官网的描述:ES&T是一本有影响力的环境科学与技术研究期刊,旨在成为变革和方向设定者,为科学家,政策制定者和广大环境界的多学科和多样化受众发表严谨而有力的论...
Search all Environmental Science and Pollution Research articles Volume 24, Issue 15 May 2017 Young Scholars in Earth & Environmental Sciences (pp. 13149-13261) Issue Editors: Peiyue Li, Ken W. F. Howard, Matthew Currell 60 articles in this issue Cultivating hope for a better future: ...
and predictions of how the future will develop are requisite to the definition and implementation of solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Science publishes research at the cutting edge of knowledge of our natural world and its various intersections with society. It bridges between the identification and...