D. Science.CAsChinas firstcitytocarryoutstrictregulationsongarbagesortingandrecyclingꎬ Shanghairequiresitsresidents(居民)tosortgarbageintofourcategories(类别)ꎬ namelyrecyclableꎬ harm~fulꎬ dryandwetwaste.Sincetheregulationtookeffecton1stJulyꎬ 2019ꎬ theamountoftotaldailywasteinShanghaihasbeen...
was that of outdoor learning, with a teaching learning perspective based on the interrelationship between the sustainability of natural water resources and individual behaviour. The following categories of analysis were used: didactic transformation of curricular content; environmental literacy; science-child...
Comparing the results of Table 6, three variables (pre-lockdown delivery rate, Delivery Subscription, and cost at a nearby store) are present in both models. To estimate the relative contribution of each significant variable to the model, the AIC absolute change between the full model and the...
Science 378(6616):207–211 Article CAS Google Scholar Świderek K, Velasco-Lozano S, Galmés MÀ, Olazabal I, Sardon H, López-Gallego F, Moliner V (2023) Mechanistic studies of a lipase unveil effect of pH on hydrolysis products of small PET modules. Nat Commun 14(1):3556 Article...
Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 208, Part A, 2022, Article 109395 Yujia Chen,…, Jiawei Fan Deepwater Riserless Best Practice Deepwater Drilling, 2019, pp. 477-505 Peter Aird Porosity and Permeability of Coal Advanced Reservoir and Production Engineering for Coal Bed Methane...
(i.e., to which degree the toxicity can be described via CA). Price and Han [61] suggested to use the MCR as a measure to quantify the magnitude of the toxicity that is underestimated if no cumulative risk assessment is performed. It allows to evaluate whether the toxicity from exposure...
The numbers of potential neurotoxicants in the environment are raising and pose a great risk for humans and the environment. Currently neurotoxicity assessment is mostly performed to predict and prevent harm to human populations. Despite all the efforts
Dima Stouhi: You graduated with a Bachelor of Science inArchitectureandEnvironmental Design. How was your experience working as an architect and how did it help you step into the world of AR/VR? Bryan Chris Brown:My first job in architecture was interning at GWWO.inc/Architects. In h...
Researchers generally focused on one topic independently without comprehensive considerations due to the knowledge gap between environmental science and human health. Indeed, the full life cycle control of HMs is crucial and should be reconsidered with the combination of the occurrence, transport, and ...
The increasing salinization of water bodies is also promoted by the use of deicing salts, point source discharges and stormwater runoff. Thus, the conductivity of river water is increasing in relation to the degree of urbanization [65]. Increased salinity or conductivity is an additional stressor ...