As an example, the fast scanning of truckloads of product batches requires a higher level of technological development than implemented in smartphone technology. However, these deficiencies will be overcome in due time. For a discussion of some of the ideas around smart devices we refer to The ...
Swipe down on the AIROC™ Bluetooth® Connect App home screen to start scanning for Bluetooth® LE Peripherals; your device ("Thermistor") appears in the AIROC™ Bluetooth® Connect App home screen. Select your device to establish a Bluetooth® LE connection. Once the connection is ...
Title and abstract review: Initial scanning of titles and abstracts was conducted to exclude papers that were clearly unrelated to the research topic. This step removed a significant number of papers that, while matching the search criteria, were not directly relevant to the intersection of AI, ES...
In the framework of the project RemoteALPHA, several radioluminescence scanning systems were developed to establish the metrological basis for the optical detection of alpha-emitting radionuclides. This work demonstrates an application of the ultraviolet imaging system for the characterization of low-activit...
Although a diagnostic test for MS is, to date, not available advances in detection methods, including improved scanning techniques and amendments to disease evaluation that has allowed the development and revision of scoring systems have assisted confirmation of the condition in young and older patient...
Cells sense their environment via membrane receptors (for specific signals such as hormones) and adhesion molecules (for immediate surroundings including extracellular matrix components). This review covers the range of signals that adhesion molecules li
45Thesolutionstoreducinggreenhousegasemissions(2)scanning 读第一、第二段,概括段落大意,并了解有关气候变化的证据。然后回答活动2 的第一个问题。 Para.1introducingthetopic adramaticchangeintheglobalclimate Para.2findingadeadpolarbear thereasonforitsdeath GlobalwarmingaffectedEarthsecology. 问题: Whathappenedto...
[32]). Recent developments in some bibliographic sources automatically highlight and allow the user to link, to cited and related articles when viewing (e.g. when scanning Elsevier journals, or when downloading full-text PDF). This may be difficult to handle as those references may or may ...
The criteria are derived from the principle of economic efficiency, use findings from the absorptive capacity theory, and can be applied to both evaluate existing environmental scanning systems and develop a new, more applicable generation. The findings should also be applicable to other IS domains....
Although environmental scanning may be considered an easy task, the literature defines diverse ways of performing this strategic process. For example, Gollner (1983) distinguishes between two main actions: issue scanning and issue monitoring. The former refers to a proactive behavior by which organizati...