Ask students to read the information on the student page about environmental engineers and answer the following questions.What does an environmental engineer do? 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 They try to improve the quality of the air, water, and land. They also work on ways to conserve ...
(2)Ask students to workin groups and discuss the questions. (3)Ask students to share the answers. 【设计意图】教师引导学生根据自我反思部分的问题,回顾对本单元内容的学习效果,培养学生自我评价、自我反思和自我改进的能力。教师根据学生的表达和反馈,评估学生的学习效果,及时调整策略。©...
Ask students to review some words related to climate change and watch a video about disasters caused by global warming. And let students think and answer the following questions. Q1: What did you see in the video? Q2: What’s the most important reason of them? 【设计意图】创设语境,引入...
1. Ask and answer in pairs Let’s talk in pairs 2) How do you feel about global warming? 3) Have you ever done something for environmental protection at school? Let’s read the questions first. 4) What should we do now to better the environment? 2) How do you feel about global ...
Step 5 Summary & Homework Summary: Review what was learned in the lesson by asking questions. Homework: Ask students to polish their article and hand it to the teacher tomorrow. Black board design:
1.AskstudentstowatchthevideoGreenSchoolinUruguayandchecktheiranswers inBeforeYouWatch. 2.Askstudentstowatchthevideoagainandanswerthequestions. ·WhereisUruguay? · .Whyistheschool“autonomous”? ·WhatnicknamedoestheUSarchitectMichaelReynoldscallhimself? · ·Whoelseotherthanthestudentslearnfromtheworkshops?
(e) On top of that, add global warming、(f) For example, the yellow river, once famous for flooding, failed to reach the sea at all for226 days in1997(g) One answer is overpopulation、Step4:Self-study(学生自 学)Read the text again and answer these questions、1、 What is the ...
活动11.Readthesefourquestionsthoroughlytohelpstudents understandthemeaningofeachquestion.2.Groupdiscussiononhow toanswerthesequestions.Teacherscananswer2-4questionsbasedon theactualEnglishsituationoftheclassstudents,thatis,ifteachingtime islimited,focusoncompletingthefirsttwoquestions.Teachersshould ...
Jane. Could I ask you a few questions? 记者: Jane: 你好,简,我可以问你一些问题吗? Certainly. 简: 当然可以。 Journalist: We all know that you're working for' an organization that protects the environment. 记者: 2 Can you tell us what you are doing there? ①work for意为 “为 工作,...
Part II Reading At the beginning of the reading activity, it is necessary for the teacher to lead the students to read the text aloud 2-3 times. Teachers can provide several discourse related questions for students to ask and answer each other in order to achieve comprehension. You can also...