2Citations Abstract As the photovoltaics are fixed outdoor exposed to external meteorological conditions, which vary from one area to another, the atmospheric condition can be considered as the major factor in the impressive performance of the cells. Therefore, the efficiency and productivity of the...
El-Seadawy IE, Kotp MS, El-Maaty AMA, Fadl AM, El-Sherbiny HR, Abdelnaby EA (2022) The impact of varying doses of moringa leaf methanolic extract supplementation in the cryopreservation media on sperm quality, oxidants, and antioxidant capacity of frozen-thawed ram sperm. Trop Anim Health...
The Clean Air Act issues relate to the modeling effort conducted by Formosa and the use of SILs (or significant impact levels) to determine that the Facility does not cause or contribute to a violation of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Formosa conducted what the First Circ...
Int., 37 (3) (1974), pp. 371-389 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar Wronski et al., 2015 T. Wronski, M.C. Dusabe, A. Apio, B. Hausdorf, C. Albrecht Biological assessment of water quality and biodiversity in Rwandan rivers draining into Lake Kivu Aquat. Ecol., 49 (2015), pp. 309-...
Moussa and Touzani [53] presented quality labels as a signal to reduce problems with asymmetric information when consumers were willing to purchase products. The perceived reliability of the label significantly affects the quality perception of the product, and consequently, impacts the purchase ...
To add to the confusion, public health clinicians define environmental medicine more broadly as “issues in the physical environment which impact on health, encompassing quality of air, water and food” [202]. Consequently environmental medicine has become a specialty field under the guise of “...
environmentalism, political andethicalmovement that seeks to improve and protect the quality of the naturalenvironmentthrough changes to environmentally harmfulhumanactivities; through the adoption of forms of political, economic, and social organization that are thought to be necessary for, or at leastcon...
“‘I look forward to continuing to focus the Company on the fundamental elements of what built Heil Trailer into the business it is today--taking care of our customers and manufacturing the highest quality products in the industry,’ Foster said. ‘I am very pleased to be once again part ...
Cadmium has been identified as an important pollutant in relation to the maintenance of food quality for the protection of human health. With this metal, uptake from the soil into the vegetation is comparatively high, so that accumulations in the soil entail the potential danger of health effects...